HOME HOME PRODUCTS PRODUCTS SERVICES SERVICES COMPANY COMPANY RESOURCES RESOURCES CONTACT US CONTACT US 2.5D A very clear, non-leaded borosilicate glass. 2.5D Non-Browning This very highly stabilized borosilicate glass provides the strongest radiation resistance available. 2.5D Water White A very clear, non-leaded, low iron, soda lime glass. 3.2D Non-Browning This medium density lead glass provides good gamma shielding and is highly stabilized to resist high levels of radiation 3.6D This medium density lead glass provides good gamma shielding and excellent light transmission 4.2D This medium density lead glass provides good radiation shielding and excellent light transmission. 4.2D Non Browning This medium density lead glass provides good gamma radiation shielding and is stabilized to resist high levels of radiation. 5.2D This high density lead glass provides excellent gamma radiation shielding and light transmission. 5.2D Non Browning This high density lead glass gives excellent gamma radiation shielding and is stabilized to resist high levels of radiation. 6.2D* Highest Density lead glass provides excellent gamma radiation shielding and good light transmission. *Limited Availability